- Wood rot is the result of fungus and mold growth that can appear on interior and exterior surfaces that have damage from surrounding culprits.
- Repairing interior wood rot and exterior wood rot are similar processes that can be a challenging DIY project even if you have the proper tools and safety equipment.
- Preservan is a professional wood rot repair company that specializes in interior and exterior wood rot repairs.
Have you ever walked down a wooden staircase only to find it crumbling under your feet? Do you notice the wooden structures in your home breaking down over time? Wood rot may be the culprit. When wood is continually exposed to moisture, it attracts fungi desperate for sustenance. Once wood rot has been imposed on a building structure, it’s only downhill from there unless it is repaired and preventative measures are taken. The fungi that’s attracted to moisture ridden structures alters the wood leading to physical deterioration.
What Is Wood Rot?
Wood rot is a type of damage that appears on wood structures and surfaces in buildings and homes. It’s fairly easy to spot wood rot because it appears to be split, chipped, broken, and generally deteriorated. Wood rot can be caused by a number of factors, but it has one main enemy: moisture. The weather and water used in everyday life causes fungi to alter the wood’s structure for consumption– therefore compromising its integrity. Some common areas for wood rot to occur are windowsills, undersinks, decks, and wood siding or stairs. It can even affect doorways, trim, and cabinetry in kitchens and bathrooms.
Causes of Interior and Exterior Wood Rot
As mentioned earlier, moisture is the main cause of interior and exterior wood rot and can be found throughout the home. Exterior wood rot is commonly caused by weather, harsh acts of nature, and wear and tear that occurs over time. If you’ve noticed that your home or business has wood rot, then don’t fret. Interior wood rot and exterior wood rot can be repaired! Not only can it be repaired, but wood rot can be prevented from reoccurring after you’ve repaired it. To do this, minimize or eliminate moisture inside of the home and adequately protect exterior structures. This might be easier said than done, though.
How To Repair Interior Wood Rot
Wood rot appearing on the interior of your home or business might not be something you’d expect. It’s more common than you’d think, though. Although interior wood is typically protected from direct exposure to weather elements it’s not completely safe from wood rot damage. Moisture can be held in all kinds of places within a building. The most common places for interior wood rot to appear are bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms. That’s why it’s important to have the proper tools within these rooms, such as a dehumidifier, fan, or windows to prevent moisture from accumulating. Interior wood rot can lead to other problems such as mold growth, decreased air quality, and decreased aesthetic appeal. We can’t stress enough the importance of repairing wood rot as soon as you notice it so that it doesn’t become an even bigger problem.
Steps For DIY Interior Wood Rot Repair
Interior wood rot can be remediated by first identifying and removing the rot. After you’ve identified areas with wood rot, use a putty knife to cut away the infected wood. Make sure any wood rot is completely removed to prevent further spread. It is critical that ALL of the wood rot is removed or it will compromise the revision. Next, use a fan or dehumidifier to thoroughly dry the area. This step is extra important as the fan ensures that no additional moisture remains. After you’ve ensured that there is no more moisture, coat the remaining material with a wood hardener to protect and strengthen it.
Finally, after the wood strengthener cures, use an epoxy wood filler or putty to fill in the gaps where the damaged wood was removed. We use our in-house epoxy wood filler for this step. Be sure to smooth it over so the surface can be restored effectively. Once you’ve let it harden completely, then you can sand and finish the surface with paint or stain for visual appeal.
How To Repair Exterior Wood Rot
Chances are, you’ve encountered wood rot at least once in your life, even if you didn’t realize it. It is a common problem, especially for older buildings and areas near a water source. Exposure to the weather is the greatest factor contributing to exterior wood rot, and that’s one thing that can’t be escaped. Harsh weather conditions contribute to the breakdown of exterior wood by weakening or wearing it down over time. The compromised integrity of the wood makes it more susceptible to exterior wood rot. Repairing exterior wood rot ensures that the aesthetic appeal of the structure will not be damaged. It is essential for exterior wood rot to be carefully repaired as it is immediately susceptible to new damage from the weather.
Steps For DIY Exterior Wood Rot Repair
Exterior wood rot can be addressed by following the steps for interior wood repair while simultaneously using weather resistant materials. Once you’ve identified the wood rot, remove it from the unaffected structure. ALL of the wood rot must be removed or it will spread and return again. Carefully ensure that the area is completely dry by using a fan. Next, add wood hardener to the affected area for protection and to prepare the surface for finishing. Wait for the wood strengthener to cure and make sure that it is completely dry to avoid an uneven finish.
Use putty or an epoxy wood filler to fill in the empty space where the wood rot was removed. We use special tools at this step to smooth out the surface thoroughly. This must be done quickly or additional steps will be needed to smooth out the surface. Lastly, after it dries, you can add paint and blend it with the remaining structure. Remember that all components used to fix exterior wood should be designed for outside and weather resistant. Take special care to complete the repairs when poor weather conditions are not expected and be sure to allow enough drying time in between each step.
Is It Worth It To Repair Wood Rot?
The short answer, YES! It is definitely worth it to repair wood rot. The delicate nature of interior vs exterior wood rot repair calls for professional expertise. We’re wood rot repair experts and we’re telling you that you need to repair wood rot! If not taken care of, wood rot will inevitably continue getting worse. The key to success against wood rot is to get ahead of it spreading. If you’re concerned about the cost. Know that the cost to repair wood rot is more affordable compared to the cost to replace wood structures completely. You will be grateful for the longevity of your investment after it is professionally restored.
Choose Preservan For Interior And Exterior Wood Rot Repair
Preservan has the expertise to complete any interior or exterior wood rot repair necessary to protect and maintain your investments. Our team of interior vs exterior wood rot repair specialists are experts in detecting wood rot. At Preservan, we repair the wood rather than replacing it. Repairing the wood is cost-effective and prevents further deterioration of the home. Our trusted epoxy method safeguards and protects your wooden surfaces from future breakdown.
If you are interested in learning more about what we can do for your wood rot problems, visit our website. You can also book an appointment or give us a call with any questions you may have about interior vs exterior wood rot repairs. If you aren’t sure where to begin, contact Preservan Wood Rot Repair and our wood rot repair experts will take care of the rest. Our epoxy treatment is affordable and eco-friendly, designed to restore your investment. Check out our website for more details and to schedule an appointment today!
Contact Preservan
Phone: (866) 875-4280