Choose Preservan wood rot repair experts to repair a door frame with wood filler so you don’t have to go through the hassle.

Even the most robust wooden door frames will eventually deteriorate and develop wood rot. Even if the door frame is safe from wood rot, there can also be dents and holes associated with operating the door for a long period of time. The most cost effective and time saving method to repair the door is simply to refinish it with wood filler. Even though the process is by no means easy or simple, it can still be more cost effective than replacing the door altogether.

Common Issues With Door Frames

Any door that is used frequently or has been in place for a long period of time, will eventually develop issues. Wood rot is one of the most pressing problems that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. But there can also be issues with the structural integrity of the door frame that also need attention.

Usage Dents

Dents in the door frame can appear over time from repeated usage. They can range from barely noticeable to strikingly apparent. 

Old Holes

Much worse than dents, holes can appear in your wood door frame for a variety of reasons. This damage ranges from previous screw holes and sockets from old doors, to more severe damage caused by repeated or improper usage. 

Wood Rot

Wood rot is one of the more substantial types of damage you can have on your door. It’s actually a type of fungi that grows inside the moist, soft wood. It can severely weaken the structural integrity of the door frame. It’s also just very unsightly and typically the first thing you want to get rid of when repairing a door frame.

Why Fix Your Door Frame

Your wooden door frame serves an essential function as the seat for your door. When it’s damaged, it poses a risk of causing further harm to the door and the people using it. Refinishing your door frame is one of the best methods for removing the damaged parts of the frame. It’s much more cost effective than replacing the entire door, which would be an even larger job on its own.

Structural Integrity Of Doorway

Wood rot and old holes can severely deteriorate the structural integrity of the door frame. Some doorways serve as load bearing sections of a building. If they begin to deteriorate, the firmness of the surrounding wall could be sacrificed. 

Door Support

The door frame serves an essential function in holding the door in place. If the frame is deteriorating, the door will have less of a solid foundation to hang from. Refinishing the door frame allows you to keep the door functional while improving its support.

Stop The Spread Of Wood Rot

A little bit of wood rot may seem like not too bad of a problem. However, it can and typically will spread throughout your door frame. Tackling wood rot early is essential to make sure that the problem does not get worse and lead to the doorway falling apart.

How Does Wood Filler Work

Wood filler is a trusted way to fill in gaps in your wooden doorframe. Wood fillers have the ability to soak into the wood fibers and bond to them. Then it hardens and is able to be sanded for a good finish. Wood fillers can also contain actual wood particles, which helps with any staining you might be doing. One of the other benefits of using wood fillers is that they are an environmentally friendly doorway repair method.

Steps To Repair A Door Frame With Wood Filler

Once you’ve decided that you want to use a wood filler to fix your door, you can begin the process of repair. It’s important to follow each step carefully, and to be diligent with your work. The last thing you want is to make the door less stable by removing too much wood. Or doing a poor job of applying the wood filler, resulting in an unsightly appearance.

Remove The Door From Its Hinges

The first step is to remove the door from its hinges. You may need a power drill to unscrew the door plates from the wall, if they are snug. The door itself may be very heavy, so you might need help securing the door while you unscrew it. Older doors can have stubborn or rusty mounts, so it’s important to be careful when removing the door not to damage anything.

Remove Molding From Around Door

The molding is the decorative wood that surrounds the doorframe. Use a chisel or pry bar to carefully pull the molding off of the wall. The surrounding paint might be attached to the molding so move slowly as not to strip the surrounding paint. Be very careful not to damage the molding as you will have to replace it after fixing the door. 

Survey The Damaged Area

Next note the areas on the door that are damaged. Holes, wood rot, and other blemishes should be marked with at least six inches of room on all sides. 

Remove Damaged Wood

Use a saw or a chisel to remove the damaged wood from the door. It is critical that you do not remove too much wood, or cut too deep. This can damage the overall integrity of the door frame beyond repair. For larger damage, you may need to add more wood. Make sure you create a viable surface for the new wood or wood filler to attach to.

Prepare Wood Filler Epoxy

Once you have removed all of the damage, you can begin to prepare the epoxy. Most wood fillers will need to be stirred until well combined with an epoxy knife. The manufacturer will typically provide instructions if there is anything extra you need to do before applying the filler. Try not to mix too much at one time as the wood filler can harden before you are finished. 

Apply Wood Filler Epoxy To Door Frame

Now it’s time to start filling in the damaged areas with wood filler. Using a scraper appropriate for the size of the repair, fill in the hole with a generous amount of wood filler. Make sure to fully fill the hole, as leaving any gaps can cause stability issues. Use the scraper to make sure the wood filler is level with the rest of the door frame. This is one of the most important steps, as the quality of your work will contribute to the final look of the finish. Lastly, allow the wood filler to harden. This could take between 30 minutes to 6 hours, depending on the type of wood filler you use.

Sand Down Treated Area

Once the wood filler has fully hardened, use sandpaper to smooth it out. 150 to 200 grit sandpaper is recommended, as a lower grit could make unsightly scratch marks. If an area is not fully filled in, you will need to mix more wood filler and apply it following the steps mentioned above.

Let It Dry

It’s important to let the wood filler fully dry so that it can harden up to full strength.

Reexamine Treated Area 

If the filler is lower than the surrounding wood, you may need to apply another small coat. Repeat the sanding process on every damaged area until the door frame looks smooth all the way across. Additionally, it may require more sanding if the wood filler dries uneven or too high.

Paint Over Treated Area

Using an appropriately sized paint brush apply an undercoat to the filled area. Then follow with two more coats of enamel paint. Allow the paint to dry. Make sure to sand lightly between all three coats for a nice finish.

Preservan Specializes In Repairing Wood Door Frames With Wood Filler

Refinishing a door frame is a revolutionary process that is significantly cheaper and faster than replacing the entire thing. However, there are a lot of steps to the process and it overall requires a lot of care and expertise to execute. That’s where the professionals at Preservan come in. Our Preservan team is full of experienced wood repair technicians who have got this process perfected. We specialize in wood repair on door frames, windows, and more! We use top of the line wood fillers in a process that’s approved by The National Park Service. If your door frame is in desperate need of repair, and you want to put it in the hands of the professionals, visit us online or request a quote from Preservan today!

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